Thom4s Investment Research provides our investor clients with top-tier research and execution services.
Thom4s Investment Research team provides clients with a personalized service to assist our clients with portfolio construction, transitions and on-going assessment of risk. The team provides risk analytics, portfolio construction and pre-trade analysis. Key market index and liquidity events are also analyzed.
Comprehensive Market Analysis An in-depth analysis of the frequent commentaries from the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) and their economic impact on the S&P 500. Additionally, an examination of how changes in GDP will affect current market conditions.
In-Depth Market Analysis
We provide alpha by offering a granular analysis of decision-making data, revealing emerging value areas. This is our core expertise, setting us apart from algorithmic trading systems.
Index Futures Analysis Thorough analysis of variables affecting supply and demand with the objective of forecasting prices. Opinions on prices related to economic conditions, interaction with current news, key price level impacts, and other variables. Analysis of prices as they are revealed in ongoing contracts transactions.
Management Access Organization of meetings for investment managers with executives of individual companies. Conduit between investors and companies on specific issues.